Our planet is a huge treasure trove that supplies us daily with healthy crops and fresh fruits and vegetables. We need to come up with new ideas so that future generations can continue to benefit from this wealth. This is why the new member of the Frutura family is called Foovation! – a valued partner for companies with vision and the capacity for innovation…
Striking out in new directions, competing successfully in the national market and getting ready to branch out internationally while putting sustainability, technology, development, premium quality and taste at the top of the agenda. That is the guiding principle of the young start-ups with which the parent company of Frutura, Dörrobstland Vertriebs GesmbH, and ZEN11, the owner of Foovation, aim to jointly forge a path into a successful future.
How can we make a product from the food industry fit to handle the challenges of business in all steps of the value chain and thus get it ready for the international market as well? Be it in the cultivation phase, as actual food, in processing, technology or at the packaging stage, a well-defined growth strategy is required in each case to be competitive in the global market. Thanks to the possibilities of Frutura and ZEN11, Foovation is the right partner for such start-ups, providing assistance through a partnership on the path from the starting blocks to becoming a valuable part of the responsible companies that will ensure a world worth living in for generations to come.