There's a vitamin-rich
for everything
The most delicious herbs have been blooming and thriving in Styrian Stainz bei Straden almost the whole year round since 2014!
Under the best conditions and thanks to the loving handwork of Frutura Gartenbau GmbH’s experienced professionals!
Parsley, chives, dill, basil, thyme, rosemary, coriander, sage, mint and cress, as well as their flavourful varieties – all are grown here for the daily restocking of SPAR supermarket shelves throughout Austria.
Herbs are not only tasty and the best seasonings – they also contain valuable substances. To develop their full flavour, however, they need lots of attention, a good climate and optimal conditions for natural growth. All of this can be found spread over 2.5 hectares in Stainz bei Straden: dedicated outdoor areas with the best soils and state-of-the-art glasshouses and tunnels. A sophisticated pellet heating system ensures ideal year-round climate and humidity in all “indoor” areas and guarantees that your food is only the best.
Growing herbs are supplied with natural nutrient solutions. Only in this way can they later develop their healthy properties. To ensure this, our gardeners spend many hours a day checking and observing – planting, harvesting and documenting everything in detail. Should pests occur, the tender plants are quickly protected by applying helpful beneficial organisms.
The most up-to-date and climate-friendly technology can only be a part of the whole picture, however. It is the experience and love of the people who, working by hand, ensure that around 22,000 kilograms of fresh herbs and an additional 800,000 tubs of organic cress reach Austrian SPAR supermarkets each year via the distribution centre in Hartl bei Kaindorf, where they are checked and packaged. When not caring for the herbs, our gardeners and skilled personnel are in constant contact with their colleagues in Hartl bei Kaindorf, ensuring that the right amounts of herbs are cut at any given time and avoiding supply bottlenecks.
A delicious organic chapter of its own ...
… is, by the way, written by organic cress and its special varieties, which are grown in a dedicated glass house. Organic cress is subject to even stricter criteria than parsley & Co. In return, they may be labelled organic.
Our herbs are exclusively available at SPAR.