Our Murboden

In the heart of Styria, where the soil is particularly fertile and the fields are at an altitude of 700 meters, surrounded by mountains with 2000-meter peaks, and farmed by especially responsible farmers – that’s where Murboden potatoes grow.

Murboden farmers set themselves ambitious goals as Frutura partners, and have pursued them diligently for years. The credo of professional root and tuber vegetable farmers: to observe proper crop rotation, only cultivate the same field every fourth year; use only the best quality water to nourish the crops and protect the climate as much as possible at every production step.

“The Murbodners” can be proud of themselves today: As partners, they supply Frutura with delicious, regionally-adapted potato varieties almost all year round, both for salads and side dishes, and of course packaged without plastic.
Currently, up to 500 tons of our partner’s potatoes leave the Frutura distribution centre in Hartl bei Kaindorf every year en route to 1800 SPAR supermarkets.

The potato has the floor

Did you know that we potatoes are exceedingly healthy? We provide many vitamins, riboflavin, folic acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and more. We thus have a purifying effect and bind toxins. We also relieve heartburn, eczema and sore throat. Did you know that we are related to tomatoes, peppers and melanzani, though, NOT, to the sweet potato, as many people believe? The late-ripening varieties amongst us store best, and prefer it dark and cool, though not below 3 degrees Celsius, because they then develop an unpleasant sweet taste.

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